Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Was it Like to Have a Baby in Africa? Part One

I get asked this question a lot. Frankly, I have no idea how to respond, at least in oral conversation. How do I explain what it was like, in a five minute conversation with someone? How much do you want to know? What details should I share? I don't blame people for asking; I'm glad that they're interested in my life. But I usually don't know what to say, so I respond, "Fine."

Part One: Why would you do that?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ready for Wherever

Battery powered fans. Plenty of contact solution. Oral B dental floss (Bill is picky about his brand.) Sturdy American-quality kitchen matches. Preschool workbook for Paul. Wall borders beautifully decorating our living room and Paul's room. Seeds for the garden. Yankee candles for Christmas. We came back to Africa prepared to stay longer, all set with everything we needed (things we found that we missed after the first term.) And here we are leaving already! But we go where God wants us. Like turtles, we can make a home wherever we find ourselves. And I am learning the value of making that home special, in the present, no matter where the future takes us. Taking advantage of ministry opportunies. Enjoying life. Cultivating relationships with my husband and sons.

The Theme of My Blog

It seems like most people who write blogs stick to one theme—something that defines them as a person, something that they enjoy. As I came up with the title of my blog, I tried to think of which subjects I most wanted to write about. Parenthood? Homeschooling? Africa? Life as a missionary wife? Theology? Bible devotions? Political and social themes? 19th century literature? I could have separate blogs for each subject, but that would be too complicated and it would probably take me years to go back to some of them. So I decided to write about what matters to me.

Why I Dislike Blogs

Ever since elementary school, I’ve considered myself a writer. For a person who thinks a lot but doesn’t talk much, writing has always been a way for my thoughts to mean something. It has always been a dream of mine to be published, but I never discipline myself enough to complete a project for publication. When I first learned about blogs, they sounded like a perfect outlet for an aspiring writer. People could see my work, without my having to go through a publisher! I could get immediate feedback, modify a few things, and build up a repertoire of articles that I could be proud of, even if they were never published. Or, I could use the exercise to complete articles that I could send off to a publisher.